Oh nom nom nom indeed!

December 23, 2007 at 5:59 pm (Personal Blog, When In Poland)

WWAAAAGGGH so full O.o I didn’t know i could eat so much! Ok, ok, i know i promised i have a lot to write, so i’m going , but i have to start about writing about this dinner coz it was so excellent! Why was it excellent? Well, because of many things. And they are:

– Traditional polish restaurant: There’s something appealing in a building made of tree trunks, actually smelling of the forest, and that horrible horrible folk music.

– Imogen Heap’s “Speak For Yourself” : my second christmas present! And soooo good! In you face everybody that says i’m hard buying presents for ๐Ÿ˜› Somehow a guy (Matthew) i see once a year managed to completely surprise me with something totally wonderfully!

– Fresh baked bread with lard : It’s a spciality to eat bread with lard on it like butter. I never eaten it before coz it allways seemed disgusting to me before, but i felt inclined to try. It wasn’t all that bad, the crusty bits made it nice, and the bread was exelent.

– Fried Oscypki – oscypki is a polish highlander speciality, it was actually the topic of a big EU discussion while Poland was being accepted into the union, as they are prepared in what the EU calls unsanitary means. Non the less, they area a kind of very pale cheese which has a fibery texture. Usually you smoke it and eat it as a snack, very good, very salty, but some genious came up with the idea of frying them and serving with cranberry jam. Excellent!

– Red Barszcz – possibly pronounced borshcz by most of you outlanders, it’s a soup based on ‘chicken soup’ and…. aaaand…. red… eerr… beetroots. Apparently. Kalle checked it up for me, blame him if he was wrong. It’s the red kind-of root vegetable. The one they served here was with ears, a special kind of pierogi. Very spicy too, just how i like it!

– 15 pierogi – On the day before Christmas, Santa gave to me… 3 types of pirogi, 5 of each. I like properly made pierogi, you can’t buy them outside of Poland unless you have contacts. Although i must say i prefer them if you fry them after cooking giving them a nice outside crust. In case you are an cultural ignorant, or are simply unfortunate enough not to know what it is – pierogi are dough with different kinds of things on the inside, like white cheese and onion, making them ruskie pierogi.

– Apple cake with whipped cream and ice cream – Good old polish sharlotka ๐Ÿ™‚ Nice combination of warm cake and cold ice-cream. I was almost too full to eat it, but i managed!

– Harnas – Can’t pronounce it properly, and even if you are polish i won’t be surprised if you have never hear of it before today, neither have i! It’s a kind of warm wine that reminds me of the Swedish Glรถgg, but with a very strong ethanol cover on top, which is set on fire. My first fiery drink :3

So, there you have it! All the things that made this outing excellent ๐Ÿ™‚ I’ll write something more soon, i have to lie down and digest now -.- I am Cousken’s export culture.

1 Comment

  1. Cilia said,

    That’s alot of food. o_o

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